

Today was a regular day.

Work was work, and other than stopping by Costco and Stix for takeout I didn't really have anything going on.

So far it's been a good day, now on comes the night.

When I got home, the two perro locos (crazy dogs) were eagerly awaiting my arrival and proceeded to greet me in a manner befitting the princess that Gregory told me I am many times over. ;)

I unloaded everything and then sat down for a few minutes to see if I could catch the Yankees game.

My boys decided to play.

I took these pics with my iPhone.

They look like they're smiling.

It made me smile.

I hope it makes you smile too.


Big Pissy said...

OMG!!!!! They are just too cute for words!

Love puppies! :)

yellowdoggranny said...

they do look like their smiling..ahha

thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...i see we have a friend in common..big pissy..she's tops..

Blondefabulous said...

So cute.... teh puppehs!

TexasRaceLady said...

I think those pups are laughing at you and the whole world.

They are really, really cute.

Bubblewench said...

They are soooo adorable! And totally smiling..