The way they are hugging. Like pure love? Bliss ? That's what we had. Even on our worst of days, it was always there.
Gregory had never heard of C & H. He was more of a Hagar the Horrible, Beetle Bailey person.
Christmas 2006, he asked me what I wanted for present time. I couldn't really think of anything I needed, but there were lots of things I wanted. Unbeknownst to me he had already bought me a wedding band to match my engagement ring ( we eloped - 10 days before Christmas!!) and a beautiful diamond cross necklace. I told him candles, bath stuff, trivial little things. Nothing that mattered.
And then I remembered that the Calvin and Hobbes collection was out. The ENTIRE history of C & H , in a boxed set. I had seen it at Costco and had to resist it's lure each time I walked by.
So I mentioned it.
Christmas morning, 2006. Totally shocked me with the diamond band and the necklace. Bath stuff, candles. A pink tool kit of my very own !! With a bag !! *squeee* The first three seasons of The Sopranos on DVD !!
And ......the C&H box set. He wrapped it himself. It was the last present he gave me.
It's so heavy. He got tape stuck on one of the spines. It's still there.
I began reading them immediately. I would leave it on the counter, the couch, wherever I had been, with a post-it note for a bookmark. I would giggle and smile and snort. I came home once from my POlice-job-from-hell (official title) and he was asleep in his chair with book two in his lap.
I asked him the next morning if he liked it. He said he did, but enjoyed me liking it more. So last night I pulled the books out and started going through them. Some made me laugh, many made me cry. But they all helped my heart.

God bless Bill Watterston. This is my favorite quote from C&H.....
"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night.
May you all have sweet dreams tonight, and every night to follow.
You too baby. I love you. See you in my dreams.

Oh, Kim, I'm a C&H addict, also.
You're coming back, girlfriend. I hear the laughter in your voice.
Keep moving forward. (((HUGS)))
Awesome. I love C&H! They are so rockin!
Forward HO!
I read this in an obituary and immediately thought of you, Cozzie. I hope it helps you. ((HUGS))
TOMORROW: When tomorrow starts without me And I'm not there to see, If the sun should rise and find your eyes All filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry The way you did today, While thinking of the many things, We didn't get to say. I know how much you love me, As much as I love you, And each time that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, Please try to understand, That an angel came and called my name, And took me by the hand, And said my place was ready, In heaven far above, And that I'd have to leave behind All those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away, A tear fell from my eye For all my life, I'd always thought, I didn't want to die. I had so much to live for, So much left yet to do, It seemed almost impossible, That I was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays, The good ones and the bad, I thought of all the love we shared, And all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, Just even for a while, I'd say good-bye and kiss you And maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized, That this could never be, For emptiness and memories, Would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things, I might miss come tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, My heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through Heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, From His great golden throne. He said, "This is eternity, And all I've promised you. Today your life on earth is past, But here life starts anew." "I promise no tomorrow, But today will always last, And since each day's the same way There's no longing for the past." "You have been so faithful, So trusting and so true. Though there were times You did some things You knew you shouldn't do." "But you have been forgiven And now at last you're free. So won't you come and take my hand And share my life with me." So when tomorrow starts without me, Don't think we're far apart, For every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart.
Awwwww....I love this post.
I agree: you're coming back. :)
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