I slept in, then did a few things around the house, walked the wild boys and then went to lunch with my parents. Heard the report from the doctor with a little glimmer of hope about "THE CANCER" and more tests, bloodwork, maybe surgery eventually, etc,etc. I even managed to eat about half of the chicken fajita nachos I have been lusting after.
I went home and decided that since it was such an awesomely gorgeous day I would work in our yard. I weedeated, push and John Deere tractor mowed. I didn't edge. Oops. Then I couldn't get the #%@$!^!& Stihl backpack blower to crank. Gregory liked it because he thought it made him look like an astronaut. He could never crank the @$@#!^@* thing either. So I scurried around with a giant broom cleaning up the place, washed off the mowers, cleaned the weedwhacker and put everything away. I was very proud of myself. Until I realized I hadn't mowed the BACK yard. Oops oops. But I'll save that for Saturday along with weed and feed.
So my day was going pretty well.
Then, I went to the mailbox. And there they were. In a large manila envelope.
The death certificates. Plus copies.
Meltdown commenced at the mailbox and continued up the drive until I managed to get myself into the garage wherein it gained speed as I slid down against the workbench, clutching said mail. So, after I ran out of snot and tears a little while later I decided to drag my happy ass up and try to find the rest of the good the day had in store for me.
And BOY DID I !!!!
In my stack of DC's, bills, nerd magazines, junk and my guilty pleasure bathtub reader People magazine I discovered a card. Hmm.
The return address didn't have a perosn's name. But it did say PHS Class of 1986.
I graduated from Poplarville High School in lil bitty Pville , Mississippi in 1986. And even though I spent only my senior year there, it was a great senior year with lots of friends , new and old. I would "grow up" in Pville during the summers home from Singapore while staying with my grandparents and grew to know many people. I lived there until October of 2005. So even though I live in Alabama, I'll always be from "The Ville."
So anyway, here's this card. Just an ordinary card?
Oh noes.
In it, my friends and classmates ( you know who you are you anonymous bunch of people I could squeeze with love until you pop!!!) wrote me a beautiful note and reminded me that I am still part of them and they are still part of me. Past, present and future. Wow. Powerful words ! I love you all deeply too, and do miss yall. I am thankful for the interwebz, particularly Facebook which has brought many of us "together " again.
In the card was a gift card. A card for me to buy a tree to plant in Greg's memory and to honor the love we had for each other and the outdoors. May I say WOW again? WOW !
So I bought a tree. Right after that card came, I washed my shiny face and away I went in search of a tree. And I kinda knew what I wanted......and what he would have wanted.....
So I found it. It's called a "snow fountain weeping cherry tree." It's a beautiful tree that has gorgeous white blooms in spring and "weeping" branches. We would see similar ones in yards as we went gallavanting by and he would always say "We need to get a tree like that Kimbo."
So we got one baby. Thanks to some great and lifelong friends.
Gregory died three weeks ago tomorrow. On the first day of spring.
Tomorrow is Good Friday, the day people traditionally plant their gardens and foliage.
So tomorrow I will plant this tree in honor of Gregory, the love of my life. Thanks to the friends who stood by me and inspired this wonderful idea and tribute.
I think it's appropriate.
So if you're anywhere near Alabaster, Alabama tomorrow and see a crazy lady planting a tree in what is supposed to be torrential storms, stop on by , grab the miracle gro and help.
Gregory would be proud.
Thanks yall.
I happened upon your blog this evening...may I offer my sympathy for your loss.
As I was reading your posts, it was so clear to me I was meant to find your blog.
I need to do more insisting around here on health issues...that is not a good topic for conversation here.
I will keep you in my prayers...I know that does not mean much when you are hurting in such a way...but you are not alone..I am sad for your loss and will not soon forget you are needing someone out there to care. I do. Truly.
I will be thinking about you today, planting your tree. I hope it grows and shadows you with lots of love and memories...just like your dear husband.
Kim, I just wanted to say it "here" too, that I think of you and pray for you often. I do remember those summers in The Ville! I also remember going to the lake with you one week of one of those summers and tubing and having a blast!
I'm so excited to know that you bought the weeping cherry! I have one planted in a bed to the front-side corner of my house and every year, it has the most gorgeous blossoms! I will also think of you both now when I admire my own.
I know that the grief comes in waves and probably more often than not, you are in it, but I'm so proud of you for using the tools available to you (at least the ones I can read) to write and post about it. In a strange way, I get comfort knowing you are still with us because I think everyone of us would understand if you wanted to hide from the world. I'm so glad you've chosen not to! Although I have not lost my husband, I have lost my father, the 2nd most important man in my life, so I do understand the whole process you're going through. I want you to know that while we are all in different parts of the country, I am with you in spirit. I wish I could be helping you plant the tree. On a weekend that we celebrate the Ressurection of our Lord, I can't think of a better occasion to plant it and the symbolism that it represents. Lots of hugs being sent your way!
What a wonderful thing for your class to do for you. And how wonderful that you thought of the tree both of you always wanted.
And don't worry about being a crazy lady planting a tree in the middle of a rainstorm --- what better time to do it? ROTFL
(An equally crazy old lady)
How cool is that?!?!? For all those people to get together and send you their love and caring thoughts? :)
I've seen those trees and they are indeed gorgeous.
A fitting tribute...
p.s. I'm an UBER fan of People magazine. Been reading it since the very first issue back in '75, i think it was....Mia Farrow was on the cover and each issue cost .35 cents. ;-)
What a beautiful tribute to Gregory and the love you share with him. I'm here by way of T_Cole. Know you are loved and that Gregory's spirit is nearby always.
I cannot understand your position in life right now, but if you're a friend of T's, I know that you have strength and resilance like no other. I also know that you are surrounded by people who love you and will support you through this terrible loss of your G.
I am so sorry for your loss but am thrilled that the card came when it did. Timing is everything. It was such a little thing that we did in the face of your overwhelming loss to give you some insight that we love you and ache for your pain and sorrow. That this small act could bring a moment of joy and a smile along with a tree that will give you a reminder that you are loved is a blessing to all. I hope tending it and watching it grow will bring you moments of peace as you forge ahead. Wish we could have all been there to wrap our arms around you to squelch the pain even if just for a brief moment. Love you.
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