
Chiseled in Stone..........

In the words of Vern's now "chiseled in stone."

They set up the headstone today.

I was there. I made sure everything was to his liking.

Then I sat there for about an hour, worked on his flowers, and talked to him.

And I started thinking about this song. I haven't heard it since the 80's. Probably at some bar in Bogalusa.

But boy how it rings true.


Big Pissy said...

I've never heard that song before....

It's heartbreaking.

Steph said...

I can't hear the song due to my crappy dial up, but I think the headstone and the flowers look really nice! :)

LOVIN7 said...

What a perfect song. I bet Greg would love it and I hope it brought some small comfort to you. I think of you every day and hope and pray for your healing heart. ((HUGS))

Sarah S. said...

That's beautiful.

Bubblewench said...

What a song.. wow.