
Sunday Song......

Here's our Sunday song that G would sing to me as we made breakfast, had our mimosas or took a boat ride. Sometimes he would just grab me and dance around the room while he sang it.....oh I miss you so.......


sybil law said...

That is so freaking sweet! :)

See See So Me said...

kim~~i cane down to the waiting room and saw where i had a dm from you~~mom had a fw weird heart rates and blood pressures over the past 2 weeks~~it was real wookie, and thursday night her heart rate was real high~i took her to the local ER, where i they discovered she was in SVT~~and most likely had been for at least 2 weeks~~i followed her over to little rock to the heart hospital where she has been receiving treatment for SVT~~{they have twitter and facebook blocked here}~~she has responded to treatment really well and early this afternoon they told her he would be able to go home~~then @ her 7pm vitals she was running a fever~she has received these injections in her stomach every 12 hours~the one yesterday morning bleed until late last night and now it's an ugly red streaked with purple blue bruise about the size of a softball~~so i've been on a fucking rollar coaster~~i posted a couple of comments for karl, wendy, bubble~but i got called back before i got to you! i've got about 10 minutes to send my older brother an email, but i wanted to let you know "where i had been"~~the nurse said mom's temp had dropped {but they are giving her meds to do that}~~won't know until morning much~~if she does go home tomorrow, i will have to give her shots in the stomach for a while~~please send thoughts of peace and comfort~~for mom and fucking sleep for me~ i do get wireless, but i have to leave the floor and go down to the lobby for it~so i aint there much! hopefully i will be able to take her home tomorrow still~they are giving her several kinds of antibiotics~fuck dr lector!

Miss Britt said...

Painfully sweet.

Bubblewench said...

I will always think of you now when I hear that song. I know, not as good.. but I'll remember him. Isn't that good?

Big Pissy said...

Miss Britt said it: painfully sweet.....