Happy 42nd anniversary.
42 years ago today you stood in front of the fireplace at Granny & Papaw's house in front of family and friends and swore to love each other for better or worse. And you have done so.
Thank you.
Thank you for always showing me the better. If there was worse? I never knew.
Daddy, thanks for working so hard and giving me an amazing life and everything I ever wanted without making me a spoiled whiny brat. Thank you for showing me the world, from the gulf coast of Mississippi to Singapore and all points around and in between.

Thank you for protecting me without smothering me and letting me go out on my own adventures and to learn from my mistakes without saying "I told you so." Thanks for coaching me in some of my sports teams, and always, no matter what was happening, being at my games and win or lose, always saying how proud you were of me.

Thanks for teaching me your love of sports, and passing on what you learned in college and the NFL, that such as football, life is a game that we are all lucky enough to play, no matter what our time on the field may be.
Mom, you were a stay at home mother before it was cool. Making sure I was up and at em for school, taking me all over the world as we traveled back and forth from the US to Singapore for almost 10 years, and raising me right. You and your friends were like the moms you see on the "vintage mom" napkins you see floating around.

If we fell down and scraped our knee?? You and your friends looked over to make sure we were ok, watched us bounce right back up and go running back around like a wild monkey and you knew we were ok, and back to your gin and tonics you went. Not like today, where you see mom's rapid firing the neosporin and coddling the kid who chips a nail. Thanks for letting me be a kid, not a porcelain doll. I think it made me a better, stronger adult.

To both of you, thank you for all of the wonderful holidays and vacations and just the time together as a family. I didn't know it when I was growing up, but I know now that we had it made. You gave me a perfect childhood and a great entry into adulthood, and in a world where a lot of people didn't have the same, I was damn lucky.
I love you both from the bottom of my heart. And a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.

Kim, what a wonderful post to honor your parents anniversary. Happy Anniversary to mom and dad, by today's standards, this is a rare thing. I hope your day is all it can be....much happiness and love.
That was a nice post! You hardly here of 42nd or even 20 year Anniversarys these days!
Beautiful stuff!
Happy anniversary to your parents! They gave you a wonderful life and childhood. How amazing!
By coincidence, this October is our 42nd anniversary. Wonder where all those years went?
Celebrate with your mom and dad. They raised one hell of a kid. One I'm proud to call a friend.
PS--finally managed to your b'day card in the mail. LOL
What a great love story!
Happy Anniversary to your parents! :)
Happy Anniversary!
I, too, am thankful for my parents.
And i hope I'm rasing my own daughter with as much sense of self, trust, and love. I know I'm kind of a martini mom. Ha! :P
Okay, now, Kim, I'm officially adopting you as my sister. You are so awesome! How lucky your parents are to have you as a daughter!
Suzie Mann Paulsen
WONDERFUL tribute Cozzie-I'm sure they are proud of YOU too. In case I don't get a chance tomorrow, I want to wish you the BEST birthday you can have in your situation. And as I said earlier-40 sure beats 60 any day! ((BIG HUGS)) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww, sweet!!! Here's to plenty more! I raise my gin-n-tonic in honor!
This post just made my day beautiful!
So glad I found you via my gal pal Bubble Wench.
Bless you with Aloha-
Comfort Spiral
Kim, what an awesome tribute to your parents. You are such an honest, down to earth person. I really enjoy reading your blog, the good and the bad. Praying for your peace of mind from Kentucky! Happy Birthday wishes too!
Great post! Happy Anniversary, Kim's Parents!!
What a great way to celebrate your parents' special day.
Kim, that was a gorgeous post! I feel like your parents and I are old friends now! Happy Anniversary Kim's mom and dad!
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