Where the Sidewalk Ends
There is a place where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins, And there the grass grows soft and white, And there the sun burns crimson bright, And there the moon-bird rests from his flight To cool in the peppermint wind. Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black And the dark street winds and bends. Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And watch where the chalk-white arrows go To the place where the sidewalk ends. Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go, For the children, they mark, and the children, they know The place where the sidewalk ends.
Shel Silverstein
Big hugs, babe. Which I can give you in person on Friday.
Love Shel Silverstein.
Thanks for sharing the picture of your love and the poem. I love that poem but hadn't read it in a long time.
Awww how sweet! I'm sorry you're hurting. I wish I could help you more then I do. Just keep walking, please don't stop!
Kimmers, just keep on walking down your sidewalk. I know it's lonely, but when you reach the end, I have faith that a pair of pink crocs with a man attached will be waiting for you.
And you both will cross together.
Pink crocks and a huge smile....Kim...it will not get any better than that!!
Thanks yall..... : )
TRL that image of him waiting for me is one that will make me smile forever, thank you.
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