But I can do the heck out of some yardwork. I actually looooveees me some yardwork. Especially my Mr. John Deere lawn-doin' equipment. Gregory bought this Miracle of lawn-fixin' about three years ago, and I think he rode it once. After seeing how very easy it was I immediately took to it as a politician does to a camera. Now mind you, I had many years experience with a "push-mower" but never before had the thrill (I'm so easily amused) of going up and down and round and round our yard with the old JD. Normally I was the weed-eater / push our little tiny hilly part of the yard / blower person . (insert guffaws at blowing reference here).
But once I discovered the ease which with I could cut grass...including a glorious cup holder for my beverage of choice *ahem* it was all over but the pushing, so to speak.
Greg would go out of town on business and come home to a magical yard where the lawn fairies had taken flight in his absence. Oh and a wife popping Advil and sweating like a hog. He would the tell me that I needed him to be here in case "something happened" ,like I fell off of the tractor or something. I think he just wanted to watch the yard-wench at work. Not to say that G didn't bust his butt off in the yard as well, the Mann was the king of the hedger, edger and all other yard doin' tools....but after that did he get anywhere near MY John Deere. No.
It's mine, has my name on it and everything......(it came back from it's tuneup like his last fall, I swear I didn't ask the guy to put it on there !!) ......
I like my Mister's a little dirty...like my martinis.....
So anyway....yardwork was something we liked to do together, even at the lake. My parents are getting older and my mom and dad just can't handle all of it anymore so we would do a lot down there too. So now I'm taking all of this on myself and me, my brother and my uncle are doing the lake work.
I have kind of a big yard. Not the biggest in my neighborhood, but kinda big nonetheless.
Mah fronts....and there's more on the left....a side yardy
Mah backs.....I still bet I can hide a horse back here.....:)
So today as I was doing the back yard, I noticed that my neighbor ( who I let borrow my push mower - yes - JOHN DEERE ) had left my beloved OUTSIDE behind his garage. And right next to it?? my Stihl weedeater !!! Now mind you, we aren't crime ridden but anyone could have just STOLEN MY JOHN! That would be unacceptable. All in all he is a good neighbor, and I still feel guilty about the whole tree falling incident . And yes, I know he had to fire his lawn service because times are tough and yadda yadda yadda but Dude? When I loan you my stuff?? Bring it BACK when you're done with it!! And this is like the third time.
So am I being a biatch about this??? I mean, a girl needs her weedwhacker. (pun intended).
So I shall call him tomorrow and tell him that I plan on doing mah fronts Saturday and I need my stuff back. Nicely, of course. I know all of you know I'm just so ladylike and stuff. *ahem*
In the meantime, I will try and quit lusting after the JD stuff I don't have (yet) at Lowe's (ZERO TURN!! PRESSURE WASHER !! BROADCAST SPREADER!!) ....and concentrate on making mah front and back look good as I can.
All the while with a certain SIR MIX-A-LOT song STUCK ON REPLAY in my head...I blame a particular Confabber ...
You sound like you are w/your lawn equipment like I am w/my cleaning gadgets! I loaned my steam cleaner to a friend and when I FINALLY got it back it was clogged with candle wax, smelly and almost didn't work! Major party foul!
Kimmers, I know how you feel about your mower. My Zero Turn was in the shop for 2 weeks --- I was having withdrawal pains!
Wow - beautiful house! : )
Right before I got divorced I bought a John Deere lawn tractor and LOVED it. Nothing runs like a Deere. : )
Your yard is beautiful! I can pull a rogue weed or two and I can plant flowers and occasionally they don't die..but as far as mowing and stuff goes..that's not my THANG. I will however give up my title of "Never Mowed a Lawn in My Life" if I can sit on your tractor ;o) I'll even bring the drinks to put in the drink holder. I make a pretty dirty martini...
I would so not be lending the neighbor shit if he can't take good care of it.
And stop it w/that damn song already! I hear it in my sleep.
And Karl doing mmmmbop crap too.
I was raised in the country so I am handy too. I have my city boy out mowing but I do a lot.
I've always loved JD stuff. And I am a Lowe's geek too.
If it was me and I saw MY stuff just left out like that? It would already be safely in MY garage. Wouldn't THAT make for and interesting call from the neighbor LOL
Woah. That house reminds me of Thomas Kinkade's paintings.
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