
Keep your house clean in case you die.....

Yes .... that really is the title of this post.

I got to thinking about it while looking through some pics and pondering when to put my house back up for sale. This house is just way too big for me. Greg and I lived here for 3 1/2 of our 6 years together, and I love it, but it's gotta go. And I'm ready now...I made the decision a few days ago....the memories we made here will go where I do. The material things that remind me of our life together will go with me as well. And it's just a house. Leaving here will not take me further away from him and in a way I think a new place will help me. I just have to figure out where my "new place" is. In more ways than one....but I know I can do it, heck I've moved from Singapore back to the US after 10 years there, moved to Alabama after 20 years there, and now ? Who knows where I'll end up? I may just pack up and move across the country like a very strong person I know....or I may stay here.....the only thing stopping me right now is my daddy, and I'm not going anywhere until I see what happens with his cancer.

And I have to figure out what to do with all of this STUFF !! Agghh !! I have so much I don't need ! I hate packing and all of's such a pain !! I have started in the last few days by attacking a few boxes of stuff in the basement from hell , making a trash pile, a consignment pile and a keep pile. I got to looking around in this place and I'm gonna have ALOT of piles. Argh. But it will definitely keep me busy ! And I say AGAIN , (all together now) I will be organized this time !!!

Back when I was a kid, my paternal grandmother kept a spotless house. Now that I think about it, most of my family were Martha Stewart prototypes.....except for one aunt and a few cousins, and we didn't go "over there." And god forbid you eat something from that relatives house at a'd more than likely cough up a hairball.

My Granny used to say that your house always needed to be clean in case something happened to you, because if it did, everyone would come over. And I guess back then, it was true. A lot of people had wakes and such at their homes, especially in the South. My great grandmother was laid out in our living room at one time, as I learned through a picture. *brrrrrr ick*. I never went near that part of the room after that little discovery.

So anyway, I was raised with that philosophy. Sure, when I was a teenager I had the pile of clothes in the closet and stuff randomly laying around, but I've never been like gross messy. And when I was a cop I've gone in some houses that I couldn't live like that, hell I won't even drink milk if it's a day before it's expiration.....I'm not living in a home that smells like it. Sure, there is a closet or two in this house that I call the "closets from hell" and part of my basement is house decor hades, but otherwise everything else is "in it's place."

I discovered the handiness of this when I lived in Poplarville and my Granny died and sho nuff, everyone came over. Since everything was clean....that was less stress on me. I'll never forget sitting in the hospital with Greg and being asked, "is your house clean?" Well, yeah. That was the least of my worries! If I put it where it goes.....I can find it...most of the time !!

I'm not totally Martha Stewart, but I do have my quirks, such as....

*my bed is made everyday, except Sundays
*dishes don't hang out in the sink unless they are soaking, and no more than an hour
*My vacuum and dust mop get out and dance 4-5 times a week
*Mr Clean magic erasers have a special place in my heart
*My sheets have a hot date with my washer twice a week
*I would like to kiss whoever invented Swiffer dusters and sweepers

And I'm sure there is other stuff I can think of, and I know I am uber anal about alot of stuff that means nothing, but it makes me feel better, yanno?

And if I die, yall won't have to worry about coming over to clean up my house'll probably have to empty the dryer and dishwasher because I HATE DOING THAT....but otherwise you should be good......

P.S. The good booze is under the wet bar....


TexasRaceLady said...

Now this is the Cozzie I know and love.

You might do what I did the last time I cleaned in prep for moving -- stuff I didn't want I just put out on the curb. People just stopped by and took most of it! I didn't want to mess with a garage sale.

Good stuff that I just didn't want, including lots of clothes, I took to charity organizations.

I'll keep in mind that the good stuff is under the wet bar.....

Lynda said...

Awesome post title and some excellent thoughts on the matter! :)

I think the change in home might help you quite a bit also. But only if you are ready.

Good luck to your dad too!

sybil law said...

I really, really try my hardest to keep my house mostly clean. It's hard, though, with a kid and messy husband. Before either of them, I was anal about cleanliness. I still believe in the power of bleach!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

I try to keep this house clean and I do a pretty good job. There's the errant Cheerio on the carpet and toys piles, but at least the toys are under control :)

LOVIN7 said...

Good luck with your packing Cozzie. Just take your time and do it when you feel like it. I think a "change of scenery" will help you A LOT but it has to be YOUR choice. ((HUGS))

Blondefabulous said...

Being someone who cleans people's houses for a living, you would be surprised at what I see... on both ends of the spectrum.

I have the people who swear that their houses are filthy, only to get there and they are spotless. Then there are the people who say they are clean, but have dishes in the sink from last month, moldy diapers on the floor and a layer of dust on everything 1" deep!

Glad you're one of the "clean" ones. Incidentally, no one would have to clean my place either, except maybe after the party I would hope HHH would throw to celebrate my passing on! (No wakes please... just a huge bacchanalia!!)

Leah said...

Just came across your blog and wanted to say hi. :-D

Mitzi said...

I have just happened on your blog tonight.Wow! Have spent the entire evening reading past posts. Wow! How lucky you were to have such love! I will continue to follow you now and I wish the very best for you.

KBeau said...

I guess this falls into the same category as the rule that you should always wear clean underware in case you're in an accident.

Beautiful Mess said...

My friends and family are F'D when I die. I am a HORRIBLE housewife. I hate cleaning. I do the normal pick up of every day stuff, but there is NO way my house would pass the "white glove" test. Wanna come over and teach me how to be a clean freak? I'll go to the liquor store AND the grocery store....