
Dear 40.......

Dear 40....

Here we are. I'm stunned that it's really happening. I'm not upset, not really. Not as upset as I thought I'd be six months ago.

Five months ago something happened that pretty much overshadowed your arrival and made me realize there are much worse things than getting a year older.

We're supposed to be in Mexico getting older together. Instead I sit here in Alabama getting older by myself.

That little goofy brown haired kid seems so long ago.

She still comes out to play every once in awhile. Not so much lately, but I'm hoping she'll start coming by more often.

She and I have been some places. Singapore, Nepal, Australia, England and so many other places on this magnificent planet of ours. The back roads and byways of Mississippi, the streets of NYC and New Orleans, and more "road trips" to Florida than I can count. Football games, parties, lake trips, floats, boat rides, camping, any time someone said let's go, we went! Somehow we've always made it through.

We've had great times with great friends....who will be my friends for my next 40 years.....

We even managed to come across the love of our life and spent six crazy glorious fantabulous years together.....

All in all, so far, it's been a hell of a great life....and if 40 really is the new 30?

Stick with me kiddo, maybe this 40 thing isn't gonna be so bad after all.


heather... said...

Happy birthday Kim. I know it's not what you pictured, but I hope you managed to smile at least once.


habanerogal said...

I got to know you from Karl's radio show. It sure is a strange way to start this new decade but you're an inspiring and strong woman. Happy birthday

Lynda said...

I hope you have a fantastic day! Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, woman!!!!


Unknown said...

Forty and Fabulous, right?!

Dave2 said...

Happiest of birthdays to yooooooouuu! :-)

TexasRaceLady said...

I'd sing, but I'm sure your dogs(and mine) would run for cover.

Have a wonderful birthday, Kim.


Geekgrl64 said...

Hippo birdie two ewes.....Welcome to 40! Have a wonderful Kimberday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I've been thinking off you all morning. I hope you manage to have a wonderful (we'll settle for good) day.

LOVIN7 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY again. Check in at J.R. will ya? ((BIG HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your fun weekend plans and drink one for me! :)

Ron said...

Happy birthday!

HEATHER said...

Happy Birthday and God Bless!

sybil law said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Wish I could be there. :(
But here's to 40 more years - and I LOVE the cute pics of little Kim!

Coloradolady said...

A very Happy Birthday to you!! Hope your day is just great!

hello haha narf said...

mom always said life begins at 40. embrace it. enjoy it. celebrate!

although it isn't the 40th that you imagined, may it still be magical. happy birthday, kim.

Beautiful Mess said...

Happy birthday, love!

I'm sorry it isn't what you thought it would be, but I hope you had a good smile, despite that.

marty said...

Belated Happy Birthday! L'il Kim pics were awesome as were older Kim pics too.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Happy belated 40th birthday, darlin'! I hope, in 2 1/2 years when I turn 40, that I'm as beautiful as you! Much, much, much love!