I went because I am "the widow" and it's the proper thing to do, and because there was no one else available to take my mother-in-law, even though their family is about 10x the size of mine. (bites tongue)
I awoke at the proper time, got ready, and headed to the florist that we have used for years to pick up my flowers. I had taken a picture of the urn thingy there, had told them specifically what I wanted and had even picked out the flowers and greenery. It was nice latex and almost real looking stuff, none of that plastic dollar store crap for my Gregory. So I get there, amass the rush of Mother's Day flowers and deliveries, and the owner says "Hi Kim, how are you? What can I help you with?"
Then she gets a look on her face like she just ate a rotten lemon. "OH MY GOD IS THAT TODAY???"
Well !#^@%#^*. This is a GLOOOOOORIOUS start to my Saturday. She apologizes profusely and tries to give me some cheapy looking rainbow colored urn arrangement, and I managed to keep my cool and say "no thank you" and left.
I then spent the next hour stopping at every florist, Hobbby Lobby, flowery type place I could find. I finally found something that would just "have to do" at a Home Accents store. Oh I was ill as a hornet, as I am sure you can imagine. Which in turn initiated a skull splitting headache and my gastrointestinal system to turn against me. Multiple bathroom stops, three advils and lots of cursing finally got me to my MIL's much later than anticipated.
Oh and did I tell you it was a FRIGGING MONSOON?
By the time we got out to there the rain had slacked up, thank god because I had to put flowers my MIL got on every relative I think has ever existed, some I never heard of. We stayed out there for a few until it started raining again, and I took her home, said I had to get, and headed out.
I decided to run through town and stop at a little store that I have been wanting to go to, so I did, and then I tried to take a different way back to the interstate. This town has four exits that lead to downtown, surely I could meander my way out?
Oh no, I got LOST !! Yes, with a GPS in my car , and one on my phone, I was driving around Cullman County aimlessly. I knew when I saw cows I had problems. You would think at this point I would have lost it. Amazingly enough, I was remarkably calm. Calm in that talking to yourself in a high pitched voice and white-knuckling the steering wheel, but calm none the less. My stomach and head were even cooperating and had politely excused themselves from the situation. I managed to finally luck myself back to the interstate where I headed southbound, fast.
About 20 miles down the road, I had to tinkle. So I stopped, did that, and decided I would get gas. And along the road I went.
When I got back to Bham I decided I needed a cocktail so I stopped to grab a bite to eat and a drink, and then I realized that I didn't have MY CHECK CARD. @#$#^!*!* And I knew right where it was. Sitting on the top of the gas pump, along with the Coke Zero I bought. So I spent twenty minutes on the phone with Wachovia, who are sending me another card forthwith, and I used my other check card. Thank god I have two accounts with two different cards or I would have up the proverbial creek without a paddle. All of this because I left my purse at home and just took my little wallet thingy that only holds a few cards and my id. Everything else, at home. Grrrr. Luckily no one used my card and it is now inactive.
So I then "hit the road again" and decided I would run by the store to pick up a few groceries. And WINE. Which I plan to be enjoying as soon as I finish this post.
I then came home, got the jeep and the boys and went to the nursery to get daylilies to plant around the base of Gregory's tree. Nothing like digging in the dirt to ease one's frustrations. They look very nice and that made me happy and kind of made up for the Saturday from hell.
I hope your Saturday was better, and hope everyone enjoy's Mothers Day.....and just so you know, I'm going to the nice flower place next week and start making my own arrangement for Gregory for summer. I guess if you want something done, you really do have to do it yourself.
The orange ones are the ones that I grabbed in a rush.......they don't look too terribly bad, but still.....and the ones on the left are from my MIL.
Oh my.....
You're such a trooper! You handled all that much better than I would have!
I like the orange flowers you selected and I adore day lilies. :)
It will be 8 years on July 28th and I've only been to my late husband's grave three times. Too much post traumatic stress to go there without spiraling deep into grief land. One of his best friend's will go visit with a simple phone call from me. I order flowers online through the cemetary, but just can't go. Probably the same reason that I've had a storage locker full of stuff that I'm still not ready to deal with. $170 a month seems much easier than revisiting everything. You are so, so brave. I think you picked a wonderful substitute under the stress of the florist not having your original flowers ready. Huge hugs Kim, I've been thinking about you a lot.
Oh my...... I would have lost it when I couldn't find the check card. I always get lost, so that would have just been normal for me, but man, what a day.
The flowers are beautiful Kim. You did really well. Much better than I would have. Have a great rest of your weekend...or as best as it can be!
I hate it that you had such a rotten day.
But, on the other hand, I was in tears of laughter because I could just hear you cussing out the GPS and everything else.
Now, just drink you wine and unwind.
I love that you chose such a lively color in the midst of the flower hell. I hate the basic white or pink crap. Sassy orange fits the bill.
I'm glad you had another check card - I lost mine one time in my entire life and loathed every second of it.
Oh yeah. To hell with GPS. And getting lost.
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