
Being strong...... highly overrated.

Right now, all I want to do is this....

But I can't.



Poppy said...

I've heard this crazy thing about life never handing you more than you can handle. I think that's not the truth. I think we adapt and figure out how to handle everything life hands us.

You take care of yourself. Do things that make you feel good about yourself. Please. You need to take care of yourself so you have strength for those around you who need you and can't put off their need.

Unknown said...

Who are you kidding? You'd break your neck trying to walk in those shoes!!

Bubblewench said...

So, um, can I borrow that shovel if you're not gonna use it? I had the same plan...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the strong thing *is* to hide out for a day and take care of yourself.

LOVIN7 said...

I feel the same way Coz-you are not alone. ((HUGS))

TexasRaceLady said...

If only........ *sigh*

Hiding sounds like a good idea, particularly at this time of the year. But, you know full well, the demons would still find you.

However, if there is a frozen adult beverage at the bottom of that hole, move over girlfriend and I'll join you.

TexasRaceLady said...

If only........ *sigh*

Hiding sounds like a good idea, particularly at this time of the year. But, you know full well, the demons would still find you.

However, if there is a frozen adult beverage at the bottom of that hole, move over girlfriend and I'll join you.

sybil law said...

Well, you COULD do that, but it looks kinda cold. I hate being cold.
You'll get through this. You will. Wish I was close to you because we could hang out and drink and talk. Or not. But since I'm not close, I offer you internet hugs.