Besides the whole husband being dead and all ?
It's the little things.
It's having a great blog post written about the amazing Sunday you spent at your parent's house doing the yardwork that your husband used to do, and being able to do it all by yourself and you figured out all of the lawn tools and the hedges you trimmed look oh so even, and being so proud and feeling all accomplished and "super widow-y" like, even though you got a hang nail on your pinky toe because like an igmo, you wore no socks with your yard shoes.
It's having a fab evening that included Waffle House, champagne, good friends and favorite fall TV shows. It's thinking "Hey !! Maybe I will get through this after all!" It's anticipating a great "Me" Monday of a mani/pedi, a new fall hairdo', and a late lunch and movie before Monday Night Football.
It's ripping out aforementioned pinky toe hangnail by scraping the laundry basket whilst walking through the bathroom, bleeding all over the beige bedroom carpet like a stuck pig, and breaking down into a wailing, snot flinging mess on the cool bathroom tile because you can't find the neosporin, nor any band-aids, and the dog is trying to lick up the peroxide you spilled on the floor while hopping across the tile on your one good foot.
Then after you manage to regain just a bit of composure you only find coach's tape to wrap your pinky toe in, and you do a craptacular job of that because hell everyone knows it takes TWO PEOPLE to properly wrap a pinky toe and I'll be damned if my person didn't up and DIE ON ME so my toe looks and feels like deviled crap.
And it was 5 minutes after midnight, which meant MONDAY.
Hey Monday??
See that pinky toe there?? Sit and spin would ya?
Thankfully, I've not been on the widow(er) emotional roller coaster you're riding by no choice of yours. I can top your pinky story though. After 1 1/2 hours of cold rain at my son's lacrosse practice, we finally slipped into the warm shelter of the car and headed home. I get a desperate but controlled call from my 14 year old daughter saying, this is an emergency. Mom ripped the toenail off of her big toe (that, as painful as it is, was not the emergency). It seems she slowed the bleeding and slathered on some polysporin and wrapped it up. Who knew that for deep or large, bleeding wounds, polysporin can cause a SEVERE allergic reaction. I was only minutes away, but by the time I got there her hands, feet, oh everything was swelling quickly. Luckily we had a couple of Benedril capsules left, buried in a drawer and it saved her from respiratory arrest and a trip to the ER. So the moral of the story is MAYBE YA'LL SHOULD WEAR SHOES AROUND THE HOUSE? Glad you're OK. God Bless and prayers from us.
Kim, that totally sucks! {{{HUGS}}}
F*ck the toe stuff. You trimmed hedges!! You hung out with friends! Dwell on that! That freakin' ROCKS. ((*kiss on the boo boo*))
But other than that it was an awesome day for you! ;-)
The toe part sucks ass but sounds like the rest of the weekend was pretty nice.
And you still have Monday Night Football.
Love and hugs!
I know it won't help your poor throbbing pinkie toe, but you have the craziest adventures. ROTFLMFAO
At least you kept the dog from the peroxide, got the toe wrapped, and wrote one hell of a story.
You did great yard work for your parents. And you still have Monday Night Football. (((HUGS)))
BTW -- Waffle House and champagne?
Poor Coz-two steps forward and one PAINFUL step back. You're making progress girl-don't let this get you down. ((HUGS))
OUCHIES! I hope your day is better today, hon. Sorry Monday sucked.
Oh, HON?!?
Isn't it just like Karma to give us something great and then snatch it away with something craptastic?
What a bitch. Sorry about your pinky. :(
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