
09-09-09 Part One...

I am up and getting ready to go to Probate Court to prove that my husband's will is legal and to hopefully get the legal paperwork I need to move forward from this court induced limbo of the last several months.

Do the judges and court employees realize what their actions can lead to? Do they care?

The judge that is over this court? His wife married G and I. She was the judge before he was. Before cancer took her life and left him a widower, probably going through the same things as I am. But did the black robe make it easier for him? And will he look down over the courtroom and think maybe he should pay some of the kindness he was shown forward? 

Guess we'll find out today in Shelby County, Alabama.

UPDATE : Well, 5 minutes before court my former step-daughter filed a motion contesting the will. She is trying to say the will is fraudulent and that G didn't sign it. She is also claiming that she has not been to our house in years. This from the same person that still has furniture and things here, still has a key, took baths and got ready to go out here, and often spent the night when she couldn't make it home. She also told him she hated him and she didn't have a father anymore when we wouldn't give her $16,000 for hair school when she had a full scholarship to or local university. Gregory may have forgiven her for that, but he never forgot. She had no problem with the signatures on the living will, burial wishes or anything else. Now I hope she doesn't have a problem paying off medical bills and other expenses. If she wants to be part of the estate, that's what she'll have to do.

Attorneys are working now and witnesses, including my 87 year old former mother-in-law, are being subpoenaed. This is about to get ugly.


Bubblewench said...

I'll be sending good vibes your way and thinking of you til I hear how it went.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today. Hopefully he pays it forward. Sadly, at least he knows what you're going through and can show some compassion.

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts only being sent your way. Mel

Robin said...

Many thoughts, prayers, and good vibes headed your way! Hopefully the judge's past evperiences will guide his good decision!



TexasRaceLady said...

I'm there with you, Kimmers.


Lynda said...

Good luck!

(I've said it twice now, but I don't know what else to say.)

sybil law said...

Anxiously waiting for part 2!!!

Sheila said...

I really hope and pray that this all works out for you in the end and that the judge has some compassion on you.

I'm sure your SD has a special place in Hell already reserved just for her.


Kimberly Wright said...

What a mess. I am so sorry. I dont see how she is going to have much of a leg to stand on.

Unknown said...

sucks...but, SO TYPICAL! people are a piece of work, no matter the relation...i have fully figured this out.

hope judge has some good eyes and common sense!

Unknown said...

Wow, that really sucks. :-( Hang in there...

Rachel said...

Yuk. I am SO sorry. What a mess. Ugh.

Monique said...

Sweet Jesus, what an ungrateful child.

Sodapop said...

I just don't understand why people get that way after the death of a parent or family member. Makes absolutely no sense to me. What a little twat she is.

Keep your chin up. I'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!


LOVIN7 said...

So sorry to hear this disturbing news. She sounds just like her mother. I bet they had this planned all along just to cause YOU more pain and suffering then you already have. BITCHES!! I hope she doesn't get one cent. I can only imagine how upset you must be over this. JUST DAYUMM!! ((HUGS))

Coloradolady said...

I am telling you does not matter who you are...someone dying and having a penny in their hand will bring out the worse in people you would think differently about. Someone will want that last penny......I am so sorry this has happened.....It makes me sick to think about what you are going through.

HEATHER said...

Oh dear. I am so sorry! Will be praying for you.

GeekByMarriage said...

I wanna punch her in the ovaries! She had to have it all planned out to wait til the 11th hour to fuck with you. Beyond disgusting.

Lisa said...

Kim, I'm so sorry. People can be so horrible and I just don't understand why. I hope the judge can see through the BS to the truth. Sending positive energy your way!

TexasRaceLady said...

I had to wait until this morning before commenting --- because my original thought would have gotten me in serious trouble.

As others have said, this was planned to the minute. And only to cause you more hurt and pain.

Keep you head up, Kim. Don't let these lowlife bedbugs get you down.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kim, I am so sorry to hear this is happening. Death really brings out the ugly in the ugly people. Fight for what is yours, you have an amazing angel on your side. We (your internet friends) will be here to support you when they try to get you down. Remember, you are a bigger person and better person than these nasty people that you have to deal with. It isn't going to be easy, but you can do this too. Mel - Canada

Fuck off bitch said...

All of you suck. Building this woman up when its sooo obvious you are only getting one side of the story. She probably killed him all the circumstances around his death are shady. The will looks like it was printed off the internet. The signatures of the witnesses were the people getting stuff from it. Smells...umm i don't know illegal and worth umm shit. This woman is manipulative and insane i hope she loses everything!

Bubblewench said...

Maybe I should come down there and tell them that I personally SAW her clothes and personal items in HER BEDROOM.

Phil Rezanow said...

No way - we're only getting one side of the story? Please elaborate a little more then. Oh, and post your name while you are at it. Lends credibility to your cause. Unless this is a desperate move to discredit. Of course, it just appears like someone is lashing out, which roughly fits in with your described behavior.

Seriously, you aren't going to win any followers here, even if you were civil and made a coherent point. Good luck, but I think you have helped Kim's cause. =)

Bluepaintred said...

wow, such language! I agree that only one side of the equation is being blogged about, but its the side of truth. What reason, what reason on EARTH would kim have to lie about ANY of this stuff?

Seriously. You need to grow up, get a back bone (hint : sign your name girl and also, in no way whatso ever is the internet anonymous), and maybe, if we all wish on a lucky star tonight you will learn about a little phrase I like to call "personable accountability"

TexasRaceLady said...

I can attest, personally, to Kim's truthfulness.

I've known her for more years than I care to remember.

Peace ninja said...

Good grief! Some people are just overflowing with the evil gene. And, I'm not talking about Kim.

It may take a while, but they'll get theirs eventually. Love ya, Kimmy.


ZenBitch said...

Just remember Kim...Karma is a bitch...and little anonymous twats that like to lash out and sling shit, are always the first to get their dose of karma! Keeping my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you that everything works out!!

Christopher said...

Alright the side of the story you aren't getting. All things will be revealed in time I'm sure. I still stick by my fuck off bitch post. As for coherent the english language must not be your first. I can recommend Hooked on phonics "Karma is a bitch"

Christopher said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kim said...

Thanks to everyone !!

Mrs. Hudgins, feel free to comment more.

Please !

Karl said...

Fuck off, bitch. Christopher. Whoever you are you're a douchebag.

I know this woman. And if you have something to prove it, then go about your fucking business in court and do it. I suspect you're full of crap. I usually have a good vibe for smelling it out.

Andrew aka Christopher said...

Try again. I used my middle name this is Andrew. i was expecting just this bitchy response. have no fear. if i felt as threatened as u do i'd back into a corner and lash out too. posting facebook links damn i'm glad i was careful. time to set my privacy settings.

Unknown said...

Oh Kimmy, I hate this is happening. It sounds like a nightmare that just keeps unfolding. I'm not going to feed the insanity here. I just wanted to publicly support you and send love. I'll call you soon!!


Fran Hollis (just in case anyone is concerned about anonymity!)

sybil law said...

Oh, Christopher/ Andrew/ Whoever the fuck you are -
You are without a doubt the dumbest fucking imbecile on this planet. Not only are your comments completely incoherent and disgusting (while also telling us anything we would ever need to know about your character, or, rather, lack of), they're also the marks of a true coward. Typical, small penis syndrome. Or, perhaps you're completely hermaphroditic?! Regardless, spewing hate words and not using your real name so you're accountable for them (although you ARE, you dumbfuck, since the internet is not an anonymous place), only convinces anyone here that you're a spiteful, hateful little bitch. Life sucks for you, huh? Good. I'm pretty sure you can thank yourself for that, but I'm also pretty sure you only blame everyone around you for your misery.
You suck at life. I'd tell you to go fuck YOURself, but I'm pretty sure you're the only one who wants to touch you, and so therefore you do it entirely too much as it is.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Gad, hon. I just don't understand why people turn into such douchebags when confronted with the death of family members. I'm sory you're having to go through this.

So Not Wishywashy said...

Holy. Craptastic.

Keep your head held high. You will undoubtedly continue taking the high road and overcome these farking shitheads who are thinking with their measley bank accounts rather than their hearts. Not only will the living see them for the shams they are, but also Greg will have further proof that good parenting on his part couldn't always yield a good child.

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Words can't express how disappointing family can be at times.