
Flashback Friday....

Me and my daddy at a Falcons football game in the Singapore American Football League....I'm pretty sure from the look on my face we were losing.....


metalmom said...

That's cool. I don't have any photos of me and my dad like that.

Elaina said...

I don't have many pictures of my dad and I together when I was young. But oddly enough, mine are often related to football.

My dad didn't play but he's coached my entire life (high school & college). Our childhoods were somehow always tied to football in one way or another. My brother now coaches with him.

It looks like from the look on your face you got into the games as much as we did!

TexasRaceLady said...

Kim, I love the pic.
I know you loved being with your dad --- it shows.

sybil law said...

LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!

Libbi Ward said...

Troublemaker. ;)