
New York, Neeewwwwwww Yorrrrrkkkk

So I have decided to go to NYC in May !!

Why ?? I say , why not?? I haven't been in almost two years and I miss it ! So I found great airfare and a hotel on 57th that I didn't have to take a loan out for, so here I come !! I have invited some friends to come along and I hope they do !

I am gonna do a few touristy things, and I have already bought tickets to see the Yankees in the new stadium, but I hope to meet up with some Bloggers / Internet friends while there...and to see and experience some things I haven't yet....

I've got 4 full days in the city that doesn't sleep......any suggestions?

Bad blogger...

OK, so another of my resolutions has fallen by the wayside.....paying more attention to my blog. I guess because I've been so busy at work, and frankly, because I'm intimidated by alot of other bloggers that seem to have so much to say, all the time. Most of it informative, witty and actually enjoyable to read !!

So now, I resolve to be more like them !! HA ! Plagiarism aside, I hope to improve my blogging skills with their inspiration !!

Don't give up on me yet !!!